31 Mei 2018

Nature of Fishery Resources

Tafshare.com -Indonesia is a country with the largest expanse of sea in the world. The entire areas of the Indonesian Ocean to the exclusive economic zone of Indonesia of 5.8 million km2 is divided into 3 parts. First is the width of the marine waters of Indonesia is amount 3.1 million km2. This region consists of the waters of the archipelago of 2.800.000 km2 and territorial sea waters of 3000.000 km2. Then the waters of exclusive economic zone Indonesia of 2.100.000 km2. This great comparative advantage should be a basic capital in Indonesia's development.

The vast waters of Indonesia save a lot of natural resources, especially fisheries and the like. So that the right, good and optimal utilization should be the biggest contributor to the national development and become the foundation of state development. However, because the nature of fishery resources, especially the sea makes the utilization and management of fish resources management become quite difficult and complicated. The nature of fishery resources is Renewable Resource, Open Access, and Common Property.

1. Renewable Resource
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Fisheries Resource is a resource that is Renewable Resource, which is a natural resource that keeps renewing naturally. Although renewable natural resources there is still a certain corridor in its utilization. Limitations of fishing are already written in the law. There are certain does in the Allowed Catch. The Allowed Catch regulation on fishing will be sustainable and restore its population as usual. This is so that fish resources continue to be maintained and can continue to be utilized every year by the people of Indonesia. however, despite many regulations, the management and control of fishery resources are quite difficult. In addition to the observation constraints of the number of fish, the number of spot utilization becomes a major public relations to keep watch over and keep the fishery resources in order to avoid Over Fishing.

2. Open Access
The next trait is open access. Open access is an exploit that is open to the public and everyone can access it freely. This principle is always a conflict of utilization of fishery resources, especially capture fisheries. Therefore, clear regulation close supervision and monitoring of intense sea boundaries will greatly help deal with illegal fishing in some locations in Indonesia waters. Not a few elements of illegal fishing perpetrators who make the principle as an excuse. However, despite strict regulations and actions being taken, maritime boundary control remains difficult to do with certainty. Who can provide certainty of water boundaries with other water?. It is also a big homework that must be continuously improved so that there is no misunderstanding between the utilization of fish resources.
3. Common Property
The last property is the common property. This nature is the culprit of almost all problems of fishery resource utilization. Common property simply means to belong together. This is what makes the utilization of fishery resources can be though by all actors of fisheries. Common property and open access are often confused or even equated. Yet these two traits are very different.
The nature of the common property often raises many problems because every fisherman thinks this resource is free to be utilized by anyone. In addition to these assumptions, some even claim that this resource belongs to me. So everyone feels to have this resource. Yet because it belongs together, everyone should not have it. Because everyone can use it. No one can claim that tuna in Indonesia is a fish belonging to Indonesia, and so the fish in every water (sea) of a country no one can claim that the fish is the property of that country. Why is that? readers friends can definitely summarize the reason.

That is the nature of fisheries, especially marine fisheries (catch). Of these properties, many are also quite a lot of adverse and disadvantaged. For example, Natuna. Until now the conflict has not ended, how should we respond to this problem?.
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